VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Results Navigation - How To (Hindi)
VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application overview: How to use the ‘swipe’ and ‘touch and drag’ touch control gestures to customize and navigate the results views, highlighting key controls to help users utilize the capabilities of VIAVI OTDR platforms.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Adding and Memorizing Event Location - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application focusing on adding and memorizing events showing how to lock in new event locations to force measurements for repeat OTDR testing across multiple fibers in high fiber coun
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR ORL, Reflectance and Slope Measurement - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application focusing on the OTDR trace results analysis showing how to use the ‘pinch & zoom’ and ‘touch & drag’ touch control gestures setup and perform ORL, reflectance and slope
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Loss Measurement - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application focusing on the OTDR trace results analysis showing how to use the ‘touch & drag’ touch control gesture to setup and perform both 2 point and 5 point loss measurements.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Long Press Touch Gesture - How To (Hindi)
VIAVI ExpertOTDR Test Application Overview: How and where to use the 'long press' touch control gesture to edit, customize and navigate the results views, highlighting key controls to help users utilize the capabilities of VIAVI OTDR platforms.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Fast Report - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application focusing on the Fast Report function showing how to setup labelling, file naming and performing on-board report generation, highlighting key controls to help users utilize
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Adding and Deleting Event - How To (Hindi)
ExpertOTDR test application focusing on event manipulation: how to use the ‘pinch & zoom’ & ‘long press’ touch control gestures to add, modify or delete an event, & repeat analysis, highlighting key controls to help users utilize the OTDR platforms.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - SmartTEST Assistant Express AutoTest - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI SmartTEST Assistant OTDR test application focusing on the Express 5 second AutoTest mode.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Zoom Touch Gesture - How To (Hindi)
VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application overview: How and where to use the 'pinch / zoom' touch control gesture to customize and navigate the results views, highlighting key controls to help users utilize the capabilities of VIAVI OTDR platforms.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Real Time Acquisition - How To (Hindi)
VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application - Real Time Acquisition mode: How to start, configure & use the ‘touch & drag’ touch control gesture to perform measurements, highlighting key controls to help users utilize the capabilities of OTDR platforms.
VIAVI OTDR Test Applications - ExpertOTDR Setup Menu - How To (Hindi)
The following video gives an overview of the VIAVI ExpertOTDR test application focusing on the setup menus showing how to configure test parameters, pass/fail thresholds, auto file storage and on-board report generation, highlighting key controls